I’d like to say I always wanted to be an Astrologer when I grew up…


Nope! In fact, I usually skipped that whole section in magazines because it seemed a little far out and what I did read, really didn’t fit for me anyway. I was a business owner and busy wife and mom of three doing just fine on my own. And then, PLOT TWIST! An unexpected series of ups, downs and forks in the road popped up.

I suddenly had lots of questions and started looking for some answers.

Armed only with the knowledge that I somehow belonged to Team Aries, I took a look at astrology. Right out of the gate, I was intrigued. Wait…I have other planets? In other signs? So, I’m some kind of GemiSagitAries? As I continued to voraciously read, learn and stare at a lot of charts, my initial skepticism melted. I was picking up the language, but a chart reading with an astrologer helped me connect some major dots. I began to truly understand my life’s lesson plan, celebrate my gifts and embrace the cycles of change (yay, plot twists!) that lead to growth. I was flat-out fascinated and couldn’t help sharing what I had discovered with others. I’m still an entrepreneur, wife, mom, trainer, business coach and since 2013, you guessed it, an Astrologer. Over the years, I’ve read and interpreted hundreds of charts and continue to hone my skills every day. I’ve had the great opportunity to study under a well known mentor and I’ve earned certifications in both natal and predictive astrology, which includes extensive training in relationship and vocational astrology.

Now, I guide clients through their own astrology charts, spotlighting unique gifts, lessons and superpowers and the best ways (and times!) to use them.

So that’s me… now I’d love to introduce you, to You.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”

— Aristotle